our mission

Our mission at WRCC is, "Helping people reach their God-given potential in Jesus Christ." This is mission is expressed through our values as DISCIPLES.

Our Values - "DISCIPLES"

  • Dynamic Community

     - Am I pursuing healthy intergenerational relationships within the church?

     - Am I building caring friendships in my neighbourhood?

  • Inspiring Worship

     - Am I coming to worship gatherings with the question, "What can I give instead of what can I get?"

     - Is my worship time spilling out into a daily lifestyle?

  • Sharing Jesus

     - Do I take time to reflect on what God has done in my life?

     - Do I look for opportunities to share Christ's story with others?

  • Compassionate Action

     - Do the things that break God's heart break mine?

     - Am I driven to be God's hands and feet to serve His creation?

  • Intentional Kingdom Focused

     - Do you find yourself dreaming about God's Kingdom or just your own?

     - Are you investing in God's projects with others?

  • Pursuing Transformation & Wholeness

     - Am I allowing the Holy Spirit to transform me into a disciple of Jesus?

     - Am I pursuing mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual wholeness?

  • lavish Generosity

     - Am I thankful for all that I have received from the Lord and His church?

     - Do I give regularly to Christ and His church with my time, talents, and finances?

  • Enthusiastic Disciple... Makers

     - Do I have rhythms in my life that equip me to become a better disciple of Jesus?

     - Am I participating in strengthening and deepening others growth in the Lord?

  • Spiritually Gifted Service

     - Do I cultivate a heart to serve others?

     - Am I using my spiritual gifts regularly to glorify God and build up His church?